my number one

Sasha Baron Cohen’s Bruno is at the top of my movie watching list. Whats at the top of yours?
Have a lovely weekend!!


Awesome Sara said...

the movie i want ot see is the perfect sleep. i saw a preview and i feel in love. i feel like ihavent spoke to you in forever whats up pretty lady?!?

Awesome Sara said...

OMG, i wanted to tell you even though we hardly know each other as ppl, there is this insanely hot guy i sorta have been seeing from work and OMG he is so unbelieveably gorgeous and has a tongue ring and a giant tat on his chest and all i got to say is I am so lusting over this guy!!!! but yea i do have this bf guy but holy moly i have never felt this way about anyone b4.

CARINA said...

the prefect sleep? Ive heard of that I think...
I know! Its so hard to blog without a computer! Work has blocked all blog sites, so I have to wait till Im at the BF's.
Speaking of BF's... woah! who is this guy? I am curiuos! Not sure about tongue peircings thou - very 1995!!
Tell me more :)