wall worthy

I love the idea of custom wallpaper & wish that one day I may be able to commission some, or even design my own.
Ive just seen this 'Worth' wallpaper in the latest issue of Home magazine. Rock & Roll!!!

Worth Paper mashes together punk rock, granny, and brothel themes into a beautifully eerie statement on voyeurism and vanity. From a distance, the decorative filigree draws the viewer into the gaze of a wall filled with x-ray human skulls. These "mirror mirrors" reflect the impending decay that will one day wither our beauty and strip away our youth once & for all. Its ominous call challenges us to live, work & party hard.

Worth wallpaper available from Netti & Gee

1 comment:

Awesome Sara said...

NO FREAKING WAY!!!! I love this wall paper, must have it!!! must have it!!!