a part of NZ fashion history

Ive just seen the bulletin about the David Bain 'Is it bad taste?' tee on the news.
I dont want to start a 'Yes it is', 'No it isnt' debate, but personally I like them, especially the red! Cool colour, cool design - thats all I care about!


Sylvia May said...

Love your blog!
Please accept this One Lovely Blog Award..


Awesome Sara said...

oh hey, i was being nosey and read what sylvia may there wrote. congrats on your award!!!

at last shirt i would totally wear!!!

CARINA said...

sylvia may - wow, thank you!!!

sara - the shirts are on special at the mo & it took a lot for me to not pull out my credit card to buy the red one. the only thing stopping me is remembering that I have to live of a 2 week pay for 4 weeks in april so im being tight - damn u work!!